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Gregory's Story

Meet Gregory! Gregory comes to us with a flock of friends that all survived an animal sacrifice ritual. They were stuffed in plastic crates, stacked high, and forced to await their execution on the streets of Brooklyn as part of Kaporos - an ultra-orthodox Jewish atonement ceremony. Amazing groups of activists set up rescue and recovery stations to take in the chickens they were able to help. They saved chicks abandoned in the street, those discarded into trash bags still alive, or chickens surrendered by workers too mortified to go forth with the ritual and all of its horrors. These activists connected us with these buddies in January 2019, which gave them a chance at a good life, and us a chance to laugh with all their antics. Gregory can be assertive at first, but he isn't being mean! He's just loves food.


Barry is gentle and allows some pets! Get to know him and his story.

Biggest of the Cornish Crew

Cutest Hop

Rescued from Kaporos

Photos of the Chickens

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