We provide sanctuary to farm animals and hope to inspire change in how society views
and treats these beautiful creatures.

Lily's Story
Meet Lily! This three-legged beauty was rescued after living in an abandoned shed with her newborn babies. To make matters worse, it was confirmed that Lily had been shot in her leg, which caused it to essentially rot and fall off. She had been a stray for some time and was limping badly, yet she still cared for her puppies. She and her puppies all received emergency medical care after a time of hardship, and she was able to have surgery to close up her wound and begin the healing process. She stayed at Austin Animal Center for a few weeks while she healed and her babies found fosters and forever homes. The plan was always to find Lily a new home, but her sweetness and love had stolen the hearts of Chris and Angela, making her one of the many family members at Austin Farm Sanctuary.