We provide sanctuary to farm animals and hope to inspire change in how society views
and treats these beautiful creatures.


Miyagi's Story
Meet Mr. Miyagi! Mr. Miyagi came to join us with his buddy, Daniel. In June 2020, we got a call from the Bastrop Country Sheriffs Deputy that a pig was available for transfer, and we never miss a chance to give a friend a new home. When we went to pick him up, a little goat sat in one of the stalls and we couldn't resist. The pig is now our beloved Mr. Miyagi, because of his wise look, and our surprise bundle of joy is Daniel. This is a huge win for us, because in Bastrop county stray farm animals are caught by the county sheriffs office and “impounded” for 15 days, as they wait to be claimed by their “owners." If not claimed in 15 days, they are either sent to the auction to cover the cost of their stay with their life or they are surrendered to a non-profit. Daniel and Mr. Miyagi are constant reminders that any time we can rescue an animal from being an item, we know we've done the right thing.