We provide sanctuary to farm animals and hope to inspire change in how society views
and treats these beautiful creatures.
Wendell's Story
Meet Wendell! Wendell was found emaciated on the side of the highway and was clearly very unwell. We rushed him to our emergency veterinary team at Texas A&M. We quickly learned that he had developed an infection that lead to sepsis, and him living was unlikely. Wendell nearly died twice in his first few days at the vet. But then, he started getting better. The antibiotics, feeding tube, and IV hydration were doing the trick, and he was fighting off the sepsis. After 1 week in the ICU he was moved to the general Ward, where he began walking more and regaining his energy. After another week at the vet, Wendell returned to the sanctuary to finally get settled in at his new home after 2 weeks at the vet. He, unfortunately, "relapsed" on June 22nd and has been at the vet since. We are hoping and praying that Wendell has a full and bright future ahead. We can't wait to get this boy home and one day see his 1,200 pound self grazing in the pasture.